Today was Ash Wednesday. A typically somber, contemplative, yet renewing, occasion for Catholics. I was reminded of it yesterday when my Hawaiian friends mentioned it on Twitter. Tonight we went to dinner at the Olive Garden. I saw some people there with ashes on their forehead, quite large actually. It occurred to me that I didn't go to Mass nor did I even make an effort to make it to a Mass either. I haven't thought about what I'm going to give up for Lent. I could go on and on about the things I'm not doing in regards to my spiritual life, and make many lame excuses and weak justifications for why I haven't been to Mass consistently in close to three months. But I'm not going to do that.
Instead I'd like to share with you what I have been doing in a positive manner. I've been talking and trying to listen (the more important part) to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit at least 10 minutes per day. I am Googling Parishes in my new home and figuring out which buses get closest. I have been thinking about how I'm going to truly GIVE to my future Parish. I'm also thinking about the recent past and want to get to the bottom of why my Heavenly relationships are so lacking in fulfillment. I know for a fact all the fault is on me, so I need to change it! Not much, but that is what has been going on.
For those of you with young children, how do you share your Spirituality with them? Do you feel they are growing in the image you aim for them to? How involved is your family in Church activities? Do you attend Bible Study groups or other Faith enriching classes for yourself? Are you part of an 'extra curricular' Church group? How much time besides usual 'scheduled' worship do you spend doing Church related activities?
I'd really enjoy feedback. It would really help me with my growth and brainstorming. I believe thinking about it will help you too! In return for your talking to me about your positive Church experiences (even if you have a completely different Religion than I hold to!) I will commit to sharing with you some of my experiences and enriching activities as well.
This wasn't exactly how I thought my first Spiritual blog would turn out, but it is what was on my heart this evening. I suppose I thought I was going to start by writing my Spiritual biography. My 'testimony' if you will. I plan to write about that in the future.
Critter tending, coffee slinging, cooking, and singing wife and mom in the Colorado Rockies living live and loving the Blessings it brings!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I want to shoot something!
Not in a homicidal way, I mean with my camera! I'm hoping I can 'sneak' out of the hotel room tomorrow while kiddo is watching TV with her daddy or something. To the quick passerby there's not much to shoot around here. It's an extended stay hotel with another one across the street and three story tall business buildings on the street as well.
But there's a whole new world of foliage to do macros on, a cute little diner a few minutes walk away, and maybe I could catch one of the squirrels. All I know is that I've been feeling tortured seeing my friends uploads onto flickr and the photoblog posts of other friends. It just hit me tonight really bad that I REALLY want to go out and do some photography! Even if it's only for half an hour.
We had dinner at my Aunt's again tonight. Just us three and her. One of my cousin's Golden Retrievers was visiting, as she does often, and she was such a lady! Camille is an older dog and greying on her muzzle. It made me very pleased that she didn't jump up on us or run around lots and bark. She has some Irish Setter in her, and her fur is longer and redder than the average Golden. I'd love to have a 'photoshoot' with her some day. What a pretty dog she is!
But there's a whole new world of foliage to do macros on, a cute little diner a few minutes walk away, and maybe I could catch one of the squirrels. All I know is that I've been feeling tortured seeing my friends uploads onto flickr and the photoblog posts of other friends. It just hit me tonight really bad that I REALLY want to go out and do some photography! Even if it's only for half an hour.
We had dinner at my Aunt's again tonight. Just us three and her. One of my cousin's Golden Retrievers was visiting, as she does often, and she was such a lady! Camille is an older dog and greying on her muzzle. It made me very pleased that she didn't jump up on us or run around lots and bark. She has some Irish Setter in her, and her fur is longer and redder than the average Golden. I'd love to have a 'photoshoot' with her some day. What a pretty dog she is!
Friday, February 13, 2009
hound in the hoody
This wasn't the dog I was referring to in my previous post. I tried to get a good shot of her, but she was camera shy! This one on the other paw, was snuggled into my hoody on my chest and lap for a good hour or so!
Yep, still alive ;)
Wow, it feels like eons since my last post! I was thinking that I'd take the opportunity to blog via email or my cell phone but life has been a whirlwind of colds, family visits, and car or airplane rides. Now we are a little more settled. We've arrived in Colorado, the 'new' home is almost officially ours, and we are semi-living in an extended stay suite until escrow on the house closes and the military ships our belongings to us. Our car has not been shipped yet so we are eating the cost of a rental for the time being.
The movers came on my Birthday, 27 Jan. I was hoping that I'd be able to 'sneak' out of the hotel room for one last get together with flickr friends but by the time we were done with the movers the meet up had already started, husband had a migraine, I was pooped and we still had to forage for dinner and get the girl to bed. So, I resigned myself to checking my contacts photostreams almost obsessively to see the fun I missed out on. Seems like they've been having a good turn out which makes me very happy for them. They are a wonderful bunch of folks and I will miss them dearly!
We arrived to Southern California haggard but happy. I had been feeling a cold coming on for a while. My voice had already completely disappeared and thank heaven for the extra adults around! I was able to crash on my parents couch and cat napped for what felt like three days straight! My daughter had a blast playing with Grandma and Grandpa. One of my brothers and nieces live with them too, and my nieces room was full of exploration possibilities. I loved being able to give my furbabies snuggles before I headed to bed and even feeding them and medicating Roofus was a joy. My Dad's coffee making skills have improved a tad, and I am happy for my Mom in that regard.
After a few days at my parents place, we borrowed one of their cars and drove a little ways north to visit my in-laws. We got a hotel up there but went over to their house every day and spent most of the days with them. Their house feels like a Zoo! They have several birds and a couple dogs, plus my Mother In Law's service dog. There is almost always skrawking, chirping, trilling, or the occasional barking to be heard and spoken over while at that house. It made me grin when my daughter started to help with the quieting of the avian. We will be inheriting an Umbrella Cockatoo after things are settled at the new house. I'm hoping for one of the Chihuahuas as well.
Yes, I'd love to have my own Zoo too! Of course acquiring more 'children' would likely make me put out resumes to Vet offices and Pet Stores to fund the needs of the kids, but mothering of any sort really does bring me much joy (most of the time).
The travel experience from CA to CO sucked for me. While running to catch our flight due to an ENTIRE flight crew butting ahead of us in the security line and adding 15 minutes which we didn't have in the first place to our wait, I tripped on my coat which was draped over my arms and fell on the hard as diamonds tile floor and banged up my knee. I was carrying my girl too, in effort to speed things up. I thank God that somehow I didn't crack her skull open, she just got startled. The only food I consumed that day was two small frosted cinnamon rolls, not even my usual coffee. By the time we were descending I had a splitting headache and threw up on a plane for my first time in 31 years of air travel. Props to my husband though- My man's got mad skillz with the seat pocket bag fetching and distribution!
Later that evening we headed over to my Aunt's house for a home cooked meal with her, my cousin, and her husband. It was just what we needed. We were all pretty tired from the day of travel but the meal cooked with love did my body and soul wonders! It was pot roast, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, salad and rolls. YUMMY! They are all so excited to have us here, which is wonderful! They live about half an hour drive away from our future house which I think will be nice in so many ways.
Today we got to finally see the house in person. We totally love it! The basement is full size and we have such great plans for it! It looks like there are other Air Force families as the neighbors and the Realtor told us there were lots of kids in the area. The house is so close to being ours I can almost smell the fresh paint and Chem-Dry carpets!
Guess what we woke up to this morning?
SNOW! About one inch of it fell overnight and the high didn't get above freezing today so it's stuck around and it's looking like more's to come over the weekend. (sorry for the sideways picture) The girl had so much fun with it! We couldn't really stop to play because we had to meet with the Realtor and buy food to have at the hotel. She picked some up and got to catch snowflakes on her tongue though. She was so excited about it! I hope the enthusiasm will last, maybe I can develop her into a snow bunny and we can eventually go skiing together? My man's knees are thrashed so he wouldn't be able to join us. Boohoo.
Well, I'm all blogged out for the moment. Thanks for reading! I Hope to be writing more frequently again now.
The movers came on my Birthday, 27 Jan. I was hoping that I'd be able to 'sneak' out of the hotel room for one last get together with flickr friends but by the time we were done with the movers the meet up had already started, husband had a migraine, I was pooped and we still had to forage for dinner and get the girl to bed. So, I resigned myself to checking my contacts photostreams almost obsessively to see the fun I missed out on. Seems like they've been having a good turn out which makes me very happy for them. They are a wonderful bunch of folks and I will miss them dearly!
We arrived to Southern California haggard but happy. I had been feeling a cold coming on for a while. My voice had already completely disappeared and thank heaven for the extra adults around! I was able to crash on my parents couch and cat napped for what felt like three days straight! My daughter had a blast playing with Grandma and Grandpa. One of my brothers and nieces live with them too, and my nieces room was full of exploration possibilities. I loved being able to give my furbabies snuggles before I headed to bed and even feeding them and medicating Roofus was a joy. My Dad's coffee making skills have improved a tad, and I am happy for my Mom in that regard.
After a few days at my parents place, we borrowed one of their cars and drove a little ways north to visit my in-laws. We got a hotel up there but went over to their house every day and spent most of the days with them. Their house feels like a Zoo! They have several birds and a couple dogs, plus my Mother In Law's service dog. There is almost always skrawking, chirping, trilling, or the occasional barking to be heard and spoken over while at that house. It made me grin when my daughter started to help with the quieting of the avian. We will be inheriting an Umbrella Cockatoo after things are settled at the new house. I'm hoping for one of the Chihuahuas as well.
Yes, I'd love to have my own Zoo too! Of course acquiring more 'children' would likely make me put out resumes to Vet offices and Pet Stores to fund the needs of the kids, but mothering of any sort really does bring me much joy (most of the time).
The travel experience from CA to CO sucked for me. While running to catch our flight due to an ENTIRE flight crew butting ahead of us in the security line and adding 15 minutes which we didn't have in the first place to our wait, I tripped on my coat which was draped over my arms and fell on the hard as diamonds tile floor and banged up my knee. I was carrying my girl too, in effort to speed things up. I thank God that somehow I didn't crack her skull open, she just got startled. The only food I consumed that day was two small frosted cinnamon rolls, not even my usual coffee. By the time we were descending I had a splitting headache and threw up on a plane for my first time in 31 years of air travel. Props to my husband though- My man's got mad skillz with the seat pocket bag fetching and distribution!
Later that evening we headed over to my Aunt's house for a home cooked meal with her, my cousin, and her husband. It was just what we needed. We were all pretty tired from the day of travel but the meal cooked with love did my body and soul wonders! It was pot roast, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, salad and rolls. YUMMY! They are all so excited to have us here, which is wonderful! They live about half an hour drive away from our future house which I think will be nice in so many ways.
Today we got to finally see the house in person. We totally love it! The basement is full size and we have such great plans for it! It looks like there are other Air Force families as the neighbors and the Realtor told us there were lots of kids in the area. The house is so close to being ours I can almost smell the fresh paint and Chem-Dry carpets!
Guess what we woke up to this morning?
Well, I'm all blogged out for the moment. Thanks for reading! I Hope to be writing more frequently again now.
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